Agility Training



In this class you and your dog will become acquainted with foundation skills, introduction to obstacles—how to approach the obstacle, what to call the obstacle, and how to maneuver over/through the obstacle.  Mastery of foundation skills is required to progress.
  • Agility Handling – Handling fundamentals focuses on building a team that has an effective means of communication.  This class will cover the mechanics of front, back, and rear crosses.  as well as basic handling skills.  This class is a prerequisite for Agility 1.
  • Agility 1 – Beginning – Obstacle fundamentals using contact mats, perch boxes, cones, weave poles, tunnels, contacts, and jumps.  This class focuses on fundamentals that increase success in future classes and competition.

Next Class

2025 classes being offered:

  • Agility Handling -May 14, 2025-  Classes will be held at the Sandy Downs near the grandstands.
  • Agility 1 – Beginning Agility – June 18, 2025 – This class will run for 7 weeks.  This Classes will be held near the grandstands at Sandy Downs.  This is a beginning class and participants should expect to do foundation work before progressing to agility equipment.

Class size is limited so please register early.


  • PRE-REGISTRATION is required.
  • Classes are limited to space available.  Register early to secure your spot.
  • Registration is accepted on a first come, first served basis.
  • Registration should be completed online using the online store.  Your slot is reserved when you have finished checking out.  You will receive a confirmation email when your order is complete.
  • If the class shows as “Out of Stock”, the class is full
  • If the class is full you may add your name to a waiting list in the case that a slot opens up.
  • Online payment options for PayPal are available.  If you plan to use a credit card, select the PayPal option.
  • Once the online registration is complete, you should receive a confirmation email, including your order number. Save this confirmation for future reference. Should you not receive this confirmation email, please contact the training director listed below.
  • Class registration will be closed no later than one week prior to the class start date.


The available classes are listed below.  To register, please select the class in which you are interested.


Costs are for the entire duration of the class, not a weekly rate.

  • Standard Rate: $100.00
  • Senior Discount (55 and older): $80.00
  • Second Dog in Same Family for a single class: $85.00
  • Inactive Club Members: $50.00

Cancellation Fees

Attention: If you cancel your registration, there will be a cancellation/processing fee which will be deducted from the refund. Cancellation fees are as follows:
  • $20.00 if cancelled at any time.
  • $25.00 if cancelled 14 days or less before start of class.
  • NO refunds if cancelled 10 days or less before start of class.

Requirements and Prerequisites

Before signing up, make sure that you meet the pre-requisites for each class.

  • Minimum Age for Dogs is 1 year of age
  • Your dog should know some simple commands such as Sit, Down, Stay or Wait.
  • Due to the nature of the class dogs that are dog or people aggressive are not suitable for any of these classes
  • Pre-requisite for all class is successful completion of basic obedience or a CGC. In special circumstances previous class requirement may be waived if handler/dog demonstrate they have needed skills.

Bring With You

You will need to bring the following with you to each class:

  • buckle collar
  • leash
  • tug-type toy
  • small moist treats for every class (lots and lots)


Additional Trial Information


For agility information, please contact:


Spring classes will be held at Sandy Downs.  Enter at the second entrance.  It is marked as “Stalls / Office”.

Winter and Fall classes will be held at the 4H building south of Sandy Down

Spring, Summer Agility classes will be located at Tautphaus Park in Idaho Falls