
Join the Club

Prospective members are asked to complete a membership application and must be sponsored by two club members.  It takes a minimum of two months to become a member of USRVDTC.

USRVDTC Membership application

There shall be four types of membership.  Regular and Family membership is open to all persons eighteen years of age and older who are in good standing with The American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the objects of this Club.

  • Junior membership is open to all persons between the ages of 10 and 17 years of age who are in good standing with The American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the objects of this Club.
  • Regular Membership – enjoys all the privileges of the Club including voting and holding office.
  • Family Membership – enjoys all the privileges of the Club and is limited to two designated voters per family.
  • Junior Membership – enjoys all the privileges of the Club but can not vote or hold office.
  • Honorary Membership – pay no dues and can not vote or hold office.  However, each such member may acquire active/voting status by payment of dues

Membership shall be for persons desiring to take part in the Club business.  All members shall be expected to assist in club functions. Membership shall be open to anyone who has completed the Club’s basic obedience, agility or tracking training course, or its equivalent elsewhere, or has successfully trained a dog in Novice obedience, Agility or Tracking as evidenced by at least one qualifying (passing) score in an AKC Obedience Trial, Agility Trial or Tracking Test.  (This requirement applies to one designated voter only in the case of family membership.)

Formal Club Membership Documents

Member Responsibilities


  1. PARTICIPATE IN MEETINGS – Attend, voice concerns, vote, volunteer for committees, offices, special assignments.
  2. HELP AT CLUB EVENTS – Obedience trials, agility trials, tracking tests, sanctioned matches, picnics, parties, demonstrations, (set up, clean up, lay tracks, food service, tow trailer, steward, judge, etc).
  3. PARTICIPATE IN TRAINING – Instruct, assist, lay tracks, set up, clean up, sell equipment, study and adhere to AKC Obedience Regulations (review periodically).
  4. CONCERN YOURSELF with the welfare of dogs and their behavior.
  5. SEEK OUT AND WELCOME new members.

Active Member Requirements

Attend at least one club meeting each certification period 


Complete at least one of the following each certification period:

  • Instruct or assist in a training class
  • Serve as club officer or committee chairperson
  • Steward a minimum of four hours

Semi-Annual Self-Certification

Prior to using your active membership to register for classes, please make sure you have submitted the self certification within the last 6 months.

Self Certification

You may email with any questions.

Membership Dues

Membership dues are:

  • Family Membership Application – $20.00
  • Single Membership Application – $15.00
  • Junior Membership – $10.00

Membership dues are due and payable on or before January 1st of each year.  Membership dues not paid by January 31st of each year will cause membership to lapse and a new membership application process must be completed.  No member may vote whose dues are not paid for the current year.