August 2019 Newsletter

The August 2019 newsletter is now available online.


August Meeting – Set up for Trial
Thursday, August 15, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Tautphaus Park – Lilac Circle
Dinner (Nachos) will be served after setup.

USRVDTC Obedience and Rally Trial
August 16 – 18, 2019
Tautphaus Park Lilac Circle

Volunteer for the August Obedience/Rally Trial

Did you know…Volunteering at our upcoming Obedience and Rally Trials helps you to fulfill some of the requirements to be an Active Club Member and receive free training classes?
There will be many opportunities to volunteer at our upcoming Obedience and Rally Trials,
August 16 – 18, 2019.
We will need help with setup on Thursday evening, August 15. This will also be our regular club meeting! We will meet at Lilac Circle in Tautphaus Park @ 6:00 p.m. and after we’re all set up…Frank’s making Nacho’s!!!
There will be a variety of things to do on Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the trial and cleaning up on Sunday afternoon…and if you volunteer, we will provide an amazing lunch!

Spring Agility Classes Now Available Online

Registration for agility classes is available here.

Agility 1  – Classes will start at 7:15 pm on April 17th, 2019.  Classes will be weekly on Wednesdays for 1 hour.  The class will go for 6 weeks.   The Orientation for Agility 1 will be held at the park at 6:00 pm on April 16th, 2019.  Handlers are required to attend without their dogs.  

Agility 3 – Classes will start at 6:00 pm on April 17th, 2019.  Classes will be weekly on Wednesdays for 1 hour.  The class will go for 6 weeks.   There is no Orientation for Agility 3 since those participating in Agility 3 should already know the do’s and don’ts.  

Agility 4 – We will also be having Agility 4 at Tautphaus Park on Tuesday nights at 6:00 pm starting 4/23/19 and ending 10/22/19 (weather permitting). The length of each practice depends on the number of participants, but is typically 1½ – 2 hours. Whoever wants to participate must enroll on-line (no maximum enrollment) in the class so cancellation notices can be issued in case of inclement weather. Those who sign-up are not required to participate every week.  They may show up on Tuesday nights when able. Participants are asked to bring one or more obstacles from home. Each week a different set of courses is set up based on what obstacles show up; likewise, each practice session may have multiple courses. Although there are no assigned instructors for these practice sessions, many instructors participate to practice with their dogs, so they readily provide critiques and advice.

Catherine Zinsky Workshop

The Great Salt Lake Dog Training Club is hosting a workshop with Catherine Zinsky. The dates are April 27 & 28, 2019.

Catherine’s seminar is geared toward all performance venues. So, if you’re just getting started or you are doing obedience, rally, agility or any other performance with your dog, you don’t want to miss this opportunity! It’s beneficial for companion dogs too!

More information can be found below:

Catherine Zinsky Workshop

Spring 2019 Tracking (TD/TDU) Registration Available Online

This year the club is excited to offer a tracking classes in the spring of 2019. This single class will cover essentials for both TD and TDU elements.

  • Tracking (TD) – Traditional tracking in a field, following the scent of someone who laid out a course.
  • Urban Tracking (TDU) – Tracking in an urban area where the dog must be able to track through areas of many scents.

The official dates of the next class are to be determined based on weather.  It is expected classes will begin late March or early April.  Classes are on Saturdays at 9:00 am for 10 weeks.  Classes are held weather permitting.  Classes will likely be held outside of Bonneville High School.

Click here for more info

February Scent Work Class Registration is Now Available

Two classes will be offered starting at the end of February 2019.

  • Scent Work Novice – The next class will start Monday, February 25th, 2019.  Classes start promptly at 7 pm.  Classes meet every Monday for a 6 week period.
  • Scent Work Advanced – The next class will start Tuesday, February 26th, 2019 and finish Tuesday, February 5th.  Classes start promptly at 6 pm.  Classes meet every Tuesday for a 6 week period.

Click here for more information and online registration

Please notice the later time of 7pm for the novice class from previous sessions.

Both classes have a 5 dog minimum.  Should we not reach that minimum, the class will be postponed to a date later in the year.  So invite your friends.

Will Brunz Seminar

Will has been training dogs for over 30 years.  With his first Retriever, he learned from hunters around him and through books available, using the widely accepted methods of e-collars, choke chains and other aversive training techniques. In 2013, Will’s wife, Andrea, took her new puppy to a local training class and came home with a clicker.  Convinced she had been sold a container of snake oil at the county fair, Will went on an educational journey to prove how ineffective clicker training is.  The more he tried to prove her wrong, the more he realized that positive reinforcement was more in line with how he wanted to train his own dogs. To this day, she reminds him that he was the one who was indeed wrong.  This journey of discovery eventually led him to the Karen Pryor Academy, from which he graduated with distinction as a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner (KPA CTP). Whether teaching classes or giving seminars, Will combines humor and science to explain to his audience that his goal is not to train dogs, but to teach people how to communicate with their dogs for a strong, mutually understanding relationship.

Will and Andrea live in Northwest Montana and own Columbia Mountain Canine Center. They have four grown children who, for the most part, have forgiven them for all the times they were deliberately embarrassing. They have far too many dogs living in their house to be considered sane, but it keeps all the kids from moving back in. Will is also the founder and director of K9 Partners for America’s Warriors (K9 PAWS), a non-profit organization providing service dogs to veterans.

The seminar will be held at the Idaho Falls Activity Center, which is located at 1575 N Skyline Dr, Idaho Falls, ID 83402



February 9 & 10, 2019  8:30-3:30

  1. Get Ready, Get Set, Slow Down To Go Fast
    • Where have we been and where are we going on this sniffing journey
  2. Classical Conditioning to Odor
    • Teach your dog to LOVE LOVE LOVE odor
  3. Shaping Fluency To Odor
    • What does Fluency look like in Scent Detection
  4. Odor at a distance
  5. Generalizing Odor
    • Dog will learn to indicate on visible odor targets
  6. Vertical Odor
    • Dog will learn to indicate on odor targets placed vertically
  7. Discriminations


February 9, 2019  3:30-5:00

Does your dog come when called, or only when she wants to? Does she have trouble coming away from distractions such as other dogs or something on the ground? Does she come part way and then kindly invite you to chase her?

This seminar will break down the behavior chain of recall, give you a step by step guide to each step of the recall chain so that you can be reasonably assured your dog will be like Arnold when she says, “I’ll Be Back!”




February 10, 2019  3:30-5:00

Are you tired of being pulled like a water skier while walking your pup?

Would you like to no longer use a prong collar, e-collar or choke chain to get your dog to walk respectfully with you?

What is Loose Leash Walking? 
More fun and relaxed than the stricter “heel“ position, loose leash walking is useful when you are giving your dog permission to sniff, explore and relieve himself as long as he stays with you and doesn’t put tension on the leash. The goal is to have a dog that will walk nicely on your side, slightly in front of or slightly in back of you.

I will show you a proven step by step plan to teach your dog how to walk on a loose leash that we use to teach our service dogs.

STAR Puppy and Obedience Class Registration Now Available Online for Winter Classes

This February USRVDTC will offer the following classes:

Starting Feb 6th

  • Basic Obedience @ 7:00 pm (Two Classes)
  • Advanced Obedience @ 8:00 pm
  • A foundation agility class will also be offered (online registration and more details to come) @ 8:00 pm

Starting Feb 20th

Click on one of the links above for more information about the class and to register online.

Here is the flyer for the obedience classes offered in 2019

Scent Work Class Registration Available Online

Looking for something to do with your dog on these cold winter days? Scent Work is an extremely fun activity to keep your dog mentally active.  It is a fun activity that can be done indoors.  Classes start soon.  Registration is open online.

There are two classes being offered this winter.

  • Scent Work Novice (Beginner) – The next class will start Monday, January 7th, 2019.
  • Scent Work Advanced – The next class will start Tuesday, January 8th, 2019.

More information can be found on the website.  Click here for the details.